Saturday, July 30, 2011

Yes, i love this guy.
Yes, Happy Third monthsary babyboy.
Every 29. I wish to live my future with him. He's the first boyfriend that is very photogenic. I don't care what others say, I believe he's the one. Although he gila bola, he manage to find time to spent time with me. He care about what I wear and scold me for wearing too open. Macam gini lah boleh sampai kawin. Heh. Even my sister say " Adik tengok korang sayang each other. "
Yes, I do love him a lot. After each and every big and small fights, it makes us grow stronger. It makes our love grow bigger. I faced a lot of challenges when I'm with him. I used to give up easily but since I met him, I don't even think of giving up on him. Sometimes he makes me mad, upset, angry, irritated but upon all that, at the end of the day, I know he will make it up to me. I just know he will. He may not be perfect but he is perfectly perfect for me. I love him, forever and always. <3